Puppies are awesome, but with owning a puppy along comes a wide range of emotions for you. The overwhelm and amount of information available quickly causes you to become stressed.
We know the importance of having the right support, information and tools in order to bring up, nurture and train your puppy. We want to join you on your journey, for you to share with us all about your new bundle, what they love, what worries them, what you love about them, but also what struggles you may be having.
Every puppy owner goes through struggles in the first year, and for some a long while after. We want to give you the tools and knowledge to train and nurture your own puppy, knowing you don't need to search for advice else where, work through peoples advice on facebook to see which one you think will work for you or worry if you are doing things the right way.
We have had thousands of puppies graduate through our classes, and wanted to share the knowledge with others that perhaps aren't able to attend a class, or want to do this alongside another class.
"Best decision we made to bring Dotty to puppy classes."
- Mandy Long

Hi, We are Jeanette and Gavin, owners of a Dog Training and Behaviour Company in the South of England. We have over 40 puppies, and 60 dogs come to our weekly classes, as well as teaching 1-2-1 clients for both training and behaviour. We have two young children, so understand how hard it can be with children and dogs, but also just how rewarding it is. We decided to write this course to enable other people from all over the world to be able to train from our Award Winning classes.
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